Commuter Services has extensively studied and sought
counsel on national best practices for teleworking, and helped
employers of all sizes set up telework and flexible work
Telework is all about work. Period. Not where the work is done.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a sweet spot for
the number of days an employee should telework to maximize
productivity, teamwork and business continuity, and that was a
predictable one to two days per week.
We think that can easily become two to three days per week
going forward with the right foundation.
Successful telework and hybrid work arrangements include:
• A formal telework/flexible work policy
• A teleworker application
• A pre-telework discussion
• A memorialized teleworker agreement
• Ergonomic and home office recommendations
• Training for managers and teleworkers
Telework succeeds when the job is right, the employee is self motivated,
the technology is in place and the manager manages
by deliverables.
Telework is not a substitute for childcare or dependent care.
Telework is not sending people home to never see or hear
from them again. And most importantly, it is not an employee
benefit, perk or right. Telework is all about work. Period. Not
the place where the work is done.
Telework is a business strategy. It is not an employee benefit, it
is not an employee right. It is a workplace strategy.
Your telework policy can help you with equity. Point to your
policy for clarification on what jobs are eligible and state
employees must meet or exceed their job expectations to be
eligible to telework. Clarity and transparency from leadership
should address telework eligibility.
Your telework policy should describe what types of jobs are a
fit for telework. If the job primarily involves a computer and/
or phone, the job could be a good fit. Your policy should state
telework is only for appropriate jobs, and for employees who
meet or exceed job expectations with a strong likelihood to
succeed based on their work styles and the approval of their
Ideal employees for telework are those who know the company,
and who have been meeting or exceeding job expectations. The
best teleworkers are employees who are self-motivated, good
communicators and deliver their work on time.
Do not send poor performers home to telework. There is
nothing sacred about telework. If an arrangement is not
working, change it.
Telework is not for everyone. An employee might be selfmotivated
but not thrive in a remote work environment. Some
people thrive in a bustling office, where others do their best
work in a quiet environment free from distractions.
Managers need to be comfortable managing remote workers
in order for telework or hybrid work to be successful. They
need to manage by deliverables and establish communication
standards, i.e., what time frame should emails and calls be
answered within? It’s also imperative that managers deal with
problems as they arise.

In order for teleworking to be successful for everyone,
employers must provide the proper training for teleworkers
and managers so they know what you expect and how to
handle challenges.
Commuter Services has a free webinar training for managers
called: Getting it Right – Best Practices for Teleworkers and
Their Manage rs. You can access it at: https://www.tctelework.
Have questions or need resources? We provide free telework
materials and are here to help.